JSC "Agroplemsoyuz" rightfully counts its history from the order of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture on the formation of the Department of State Pedigree Plants. It is this structure of the Livestock Management Department, having united around itself specialized breeding farms of the country, determined the goals and objectives, directions and methods of organizational and managerial activities in domestic livestock farming, which in modern conditions have been implemented by the Agroplemsoyuz joint-stock company for more than a decade.
In October 1964, centralized sectoral management of agriculture and industry was ensured.
Therefore, already in 1965, the Main Directorate of Animal Breeding was created, which was tasked with developing a concept for the economic development of domestic breeding farms, as well as determining the directions of breeding in the country. For the practical implementation of this task, 70 state breeding farms, 11 experimental dairy and meat and pig farms, as well as 4 research institutes with 10 experimental farms attached to them were transferred to the Main Directorate of Livestock of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.
In September 1965, the Directorate of State Pedigree Plants was formed as part of the Main Directorate for direct management of the country's pedigree affairs.
Thanks to effective control, targeted investments, feed funds, as well as highly productive imported livestock, which were then distributed in accordance with the principles of a planned economy, began to reach the farms directly.
In addition, leading scientists and specialists were involved in the development of farm development plans. A noticeable economic rise began, the number of livestock increased, the number and quality of pedigree young animals increased.
Invaluable contribution to the development of the livestock breeding base of the USSR in 1976-1987. introduced by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the USSR L. N. Kuznetsov. With his participation, comprehensive plans for livestock and breeding were developed for the regions. It was during this period that much was done to create the material and technical base of breeding plants under the Ministry of Agriculture.
Since 1973, the management of the Management of Pedigree Farms fell on the shoulders of Aleksey Georgievich Dankvert, who was also appointed Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Livestock.
With the participation of management specialists, a number of important decisions were prepared and adopted at the government level to strengthen the material and technical base of livestock breeding, improve livestock breeds, expand breeding farms and farms, and much more. Thanks to the efforts and experience of management specialists, the improvement of domestic breeding was ensured in modern conditions.
The results of the activities of the Department of State Pedigree Farms can be judged by the fact that in the 1970s-1980s the country's pedigree base met all the needs of domestic commercial farms. However, the time came when the economic situation in the country and in agriculture began to deteriorate noticeably, new forms of work were required.
As a result of the next reorganization of the ministries of union subordination in October 1989, the All-Union agro-industrial association of pedigree factories and stockpiling of pedigree cattle "Soyuzplemzavod" was created on the basis of the working Department of Pedigree Farms under the USSR State Agricultural Industry.
The radically changing situation in the country opened up new economic opportunities and prospects. In the best breeding farms of the USSR, the level of productivity of livestock in developed countries was achieved, a huge gene pool of pedigree livestock was created.
The collapse of the USSR threatened a strong decline in the number of pedigree livestock left without state support. Thanks to timely measures taken, livestock breeding did not suffer such significant losses in the 90s as were observed in commercial production.
In 1990, on the basis of VAPO "Soyuzplemzavod" in order to improve the economic mechanism and increase the efficiency of management, an economically independent open joint-stock company "AGROPLEMSOYUZ" was created.
(Joint-stock company "AGROPLEMSOYUZ" was created by the Order of the State Commission on Food and Purchases of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 24.08.90, No. 136.)
Joint Stock Company "Agroplemsoyuz" was established in August 1990 on the basis of the leading breeding enterprises of the Russian Federation. This is the first joint-stock company in the structure of the agro-industrial complex of our country, which united a number of enterprises from different regions of the country, specializing in the breeding of highly productive breeding animals.
The activity of the joint-stock company is based on the long-term experience of breeding in our country and the latest technological solutions of the world leaders in animal husbandry.
For more than 30 years we have been successfully organizing the production and sale of livestock breeding products, developing promising breeding programs for breeding, preserving the gene pool of the most valuable animal breeds and coordinating the activities of breeding farms with federal and regional authorities of the agro-industrial complex.
Agroplemsoyuz provides high-quality dairy and meat products thanks to professional breeding work, regular exchange of experience with European specialists and continuous technological development not only of its own farms and breeding plants, but also of partner enterprises.
of the most valuable breeds of cattle, sheep and goats
of high-quality young animals to provide breeding farms in all regions of Russia and artificial insemination stations
on selection, technology and organization of production and breeding work in conjunction with scientific institutions
+7(495)607-66-95 | info@agroplemsoyuz.ru
+7(495)607-66-95 | info@agroplemsoyuz.ru
107078, Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya str., 13, b.2
107078, Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya str., 13, b.2
Copyright © 2025 AGROPLEMSOYUZ | made by VOLKI
JSC "Agroplemsoyuz" rightfully counts its history from the order of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture on the formation of the Department of State Pedigree Plants. It is this structure of the Livestock Management Department, having united around itself specialized breeding farms of the country, determined the goals and objectives, directions and methods of organizational and managerial activities in domestic livestock farming, which in modern conditions have been implemented by the Agroplemsoyuz joint-stock company for more than a decade.
In October 1964, centralized sectoral management of agriculture and industry was ensured.
Therefore, already in 1965, the Main Directorate of Animal Breeding was created, which was tasked with developing a concept for the economic development of domestic breeding farms, as well as determining the directions of breeding in the country. For the practical implementation of this task, 70 state breeding farms, 11 experimental dairy and meat and pig farms, as well as 4 research institutes with 10 experimental farms attached to them were transferred to the Main Directorate of Livestock of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.
In September 1965, the Directorate of State Pedigree Plants was formed as part of the Main Directorate for direct management of the country's pedigree affairs.
Thanks to effective control, targeted investments, feed funds, as well as highly productive imported livestock, which were then distributed in accordance with the principles of a planned economy, began to reach the farms directly.
In addition, leading scientists and specialists were involved in the development of farm development plans. A noticeable economic rise began, the number of livestock increased, the number and quality of pedigree young animals increased.
Invaluable contribution to the development of the livestock breeding base of the USSR in 1976-1987. introduced by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the USSR L. N. Kuznetsov. With his participation, comprehensive plans for livestock and breeding were developed for the regions. It was during this period that much was done to create the material and technical base of breeding plants under the Ministry of Agriculture.
Since 1973, the management of the Management of Pedigree Farms fell on the shoulders of Aleksey Georgievich Dankvert, who was also appointed Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Livestock.
With the participation of management specialists, a number of important decisions were prepared and adopted at the government level to strengthen the material and technical base of livestock breeding, improve livestock breeds, expand breeding farms and farms, and much more. Thanks to the efforts and experience of management specialists, the improvement of domestic breeding was ensured in modern conditions.
The results of the activities of the Department of State Pedigree Farms can be judged by the fact that in the 1970s-1980s the country's pedigree base met all the needs of domestic commercial farms. However, the time came when the economic situation in the country and in agriculture began to deteriorate noticeably, new forms of work were required.
As a result of the next reorganization of the ministries of union subordination in October 1989, the All-Union agro-industrial association of pedigree factories and stockpiling of pedigree cattle "Soyuzplemzavod" was created on the basis of the working Department of Pedigree Farms under the USSR State Agricultural Industry.
The radically changing situation in the country opened up new economic opportunities and prospects. In the best breeding farms of the USSR, the level of productivity of livestock in developed countries was achieved, a huge gene pool of pedigree livestock was created.
The collapse of the USSR threatened a strong decline in the number of pedigree livestock left without state support. Thanks to timely measures taken, livestock breeding did not suffer such significant losses in the 90s as were observed in commercial production.
In 1990, on the basis of VAPO "Soyuzplemzavod" in order to improve the economic mechanism and increase the efficiency of management, an economically independent open joint-stock company "AGROPLEMSOYUZ" was created.
(Joint-stock company "AGROPLEMSOYUZ" was created by the Order of the State Commission on Food and Purchases of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 24.08.90, No. 136.)
Joint Stock Company "Agroplemsoyuz" was established in August 1990 on the basis of the leading breeding enterprises of the Russian Federation. This is the first joint-stock company in the structure of the agro-industrial complex of our country, which united a number of enterprises from different regions of the country, specializing in the breeding of highly productive breeding animals.
The activity of the joint-stock company is based on the long-term experience of breeding in our country and the latest technological solutions of the world leaders in animal husbandry.
For more than 30 years we have been successfully organizing the production and sale of livestock breeding products, developing promising breeding programs for breeding, preserving the gene pool of the most valuable animal breeds and coordinating the activities of breeding farms with federal and regional authorities of the agro-industrial complex.
Agroplemsoyuz provides high-quality dairy and meat products thanks to professional breeding work, regular exchange of experience with European specialists and continuous technological development not only of its own farms and breeding plants, but also of partner enterprises.
+7(495)607-66-95 info@agroplemsoyuz.ru
107078, Moscow, Sadovaya-Spasskaya str., 13, b.2